Light in the Darkness

Nimra Amin
2 min readJun 12, 2021
Captured by Author

I love the play of light and shadows. In this picture, I saw calmness and stillness. Whenever I look at that photograph, it reminds me of myself. I had a reserved personality, so I never did anything that forces me to come out of my comfort zone. I was always very focused on my studies and never tried something difficult. My past self was always waiting for the opportunity to knock on her door.

One day I thought if I didn’t struggle for myself, I would never achieve what I want in my life, and I had to look for opportunities. There are many opportunities around us, and we have to make use of them.

So the first difficult decision that I took at that time was to join Amal Academy. It was not pre-planned; I decided to be a part of the fellowship to come out of my comfort zone. In the first two weeks, I learned about the things that changed my way of thinking.

Captured by Author

The light in the image depicts that I opened a way to let others come in. I started to express my thoughts, and my confidence level increased.

In this journey, I felt motivated, happy, and relaxed. I found supporting mentors and fellows who help me come out of my comfort zone. I overcame my social fears in those weeks.

I found my personal and professional goals in those days, my likes and dislikes. I learned other people’s behaviors, and the most meaningful thing I perceive is that everyone is here with the same motive. We all want change in our lives, and we want to be better individuals morally and professionally.

I discovered many things about myself that I never noticed before, that I was confident, and I was a good communicator. I could handle situations effectively. My perspective towards many things changed in those days, and I could proudly say that I refined myself as much as I can in this journey with the help of amazing people that I met during the fellowship.

Every day after taking a session, the first words that came out of my mouth were; I never had so much fun like this before, or this is the most interactive and fun session.

Amal’s journey made me more confident than before. Now, I never hesitate in taking another step towards my betterment or weaknesses. Now I advance towards opportunities without any fears or insecurities. Amal teach me to live every moment and cherish it.

